It's high noon somewhere, and we've got you covered with 5 great plot hooks for a western campaign. So wrangle up some cowpoke and let the fun begin because don't want to be last on the draw.
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1. Below
The tunnels beneath the small mining town have always drawn stories of enigmas. The morning shift enters the mine and never re-emerges. A few days later, a stench rolls out of the tunnels and begins driving townsfolk mad.
A small search party enters the mines to find their lost miners. Upon delving into the sprawling complex beneath the town, they discover a massive sinkhole has opened up in the depths of the mine.
Something is moving down there.
It's high noon somewhere, and we've got you covered with 5 great plot hooks for a western campaign. So wrangle up some cowpoke and let the fun begin because don't want to be last on the draw.

2. Drought
The drought was expected, but not its severity. Families stockpile water and fires blaze constantly to purify the remnants of the river—and when all is said and done, the town’s water supply is held in the water tower.
When a group of bandits parade into town, that night, gunfire ricochets through the streets. The townsfolk cower in their homes and the sheriff and mayor are tied up. In the morning, it’s clear: the water tower has been stolen.

3. Raid
Small attacks have plagued the town for weeks. The mayor is convinced it’s bandits, while the sheriff thinks otherwise. Taking matters into his own hands, the sheriff saddles up with his most trusted sharpshooters and rides out into the hills to take care of the problem, once and for all.
He stumbles back into town at sundown, alone and without a horse. He’s muttering nonsense now. The only coherent thing to come out of his mouth is the word, “flesh.”

4. Bones
The farmers knew something was going on, but the sheriff wouldn’t listen. “It’s coyotes,” he said in response to the missing cattle.
But, the farmers know better. They’ve seen it with their own eyes: their cattle make it as far as the river, and then poof, they’re gone, along with the cowhands accompanying them. All that’s left are bones.

5. Sickness
Illness is spreading through the town. The river is running black, and food received from up north is tainted with rot.
A few idle hands have ventured to the bigger city up north, where most of the town’s supplies come from, but none of them have come back. It’s only a matter of time before the whole town is stricken with sickness.

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