Dark Souls Mini: Guardian Dragon

$44.95 $49.95

Confront a fire-breathing Guardian Dragon with this epic DARK SOULS™ boss box!

Those wishing to brave the darkest places of the world will have this fearsome creature to reckon with. Whether bound by duty or dark magic, a Guardian Dragon will hold its ground to the death. Most likely the death of those who trespass on its territory...

Prepare to die. Unleash a fearsome draconid boss on your next roleplaying night with the gargantuan Guardian Dragon, created for DARK SOULS™: The Roleplaying Game.

Inside this box is everything you need to add a punishing Guardian Dragon boss encounter to your campaigns, including a highly detailed boss mini and stat card. All miniatures from this range are 5e-compatible, and ready to add to any roleplaying campaign right from the box.

Will you survive an encounter with a terrifying Guardian Dragon?